DOSI-FUSER® HIGH VOLUME is an extension of the product range for those applications that require high volume continuous infusion.
The rigid and transparent reservoir has been improved with new functional and safety features.

Security and Confidence in the administration of solutions and drugs
DOSI-FUSER® HIGH VOLUME extends the applications of the standard range.
Use DOSI-FUSER® HIGH VOLUME when you need to reduce the concentration of the drug.
- Flat ending surface for convenient placement in vertical positionLarger channel to avoid obstructions caused by drug crystallization. Longer channel: improves the stability of the outlet flow. Flat design: optimal thermal stability on the skin. Calibrated at 32 ºC. Located 10 cm from the end.
- Improved tube connection to the reservoirNow it is easy to connect the syringe or a DOSI-FILLER Line to speed up the filling without any interference of the tube.
- Improved strength of the rigid housingNew design to improve the assembly strength of the reservoir.
- Full High Volume rangeExtended range for volumes of 400, 500, and 600 ml. Long-term and Short-term continuous infusion, with Multi-flow options.